ISBN 0-9731066-3-8 (10 digit)

ISBN 978-0-9731066-3-3 (13 digit)

Publication date 2004


Pages 260

Size (mm) 139.7 x 215.9 x 16

Price $19.95

Walter was born in 1883 in Welling, Kent, England, the second youngest of nine children. He arrived in Banff in 1902 following in the footsteps of his older brother Bill, who came to Canada in 1887, and after whom Peyto Lake is named. Another older brother, Stephen and his family, lived in the Anthracite area just east of Banff for many years.

Walter started working in the Banff area by assisting Bill with his guiding and packhorse business. For two summers, Walter ran the first tourist saddle horse business for the CPR up to Sulphur Mountain Observatory.

Walter was appointed District One Fire and Game Warden in 1914. The warden for this district operated out of Banff. Walter worked for the Warden Service for 34 continuous years before retiring in 1948. Walter and his wife Rosabelle (nee Hay) raised their family of four sons and two daughters in their home which was located at 433 Banff Avenue.

Journal entries

March 6, 1923 – went to sheep trap, saw lots around trap, stood and watched three get caught and noticed others had not scared when gate dropped, returned in afternoon with truck and took sheep to buffalo park.

August 27, 1926 – at wardens stores and finished boxes to ship animals to Toronto zoo, caught marmot and put in cage, only one living, two were to be shipped, Warden Bill Peyto had a young one at his house that he had been raising by hand so sent it and one from zoo on train.

Photos – left (Stephen Peyto’s market garden at Anthracite) and right (Rosabelle Peyto with Walter and Rosabelle’s children).